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Christian Education Opportunities

Norton FUMC offers a variety of ways to expand one's faith and dedication.  From the very youngest to those with decades of life behind them, NFUMC has  Sunday school classes, Bible study opportunities, prayer groups, an active prayer chain, children's choir and youth groups.



Jr. & Sr. High Youth  Groups

UMYF provides an opportunity for young people to come together in fellowship & fun.  New sponsors are bringing new ideas, different direction & exciting times for this age group.  They will meet at various times throughout the year.  Join us for pumpkin carving, Easter AM sunrise service and breakfast, Super Bowl Sub Sandwich fund raiser and much more.........


High School Youth Sponsor:  Lindsey Bailey

Youth Super Bowl Sub-sandwich Fundraiser

    Youth Activities:

Each year we have two Vacation Bible School (VBS) sessions: One in April/May and Advent Bible Camp (ABC) in December.  All children are welcome. After school we bring the children from the school to the church to have a snack, celebrate God's presence in our lives, explore His creation, and make a joyful noise through music. Watch for more details.  

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Adult Christian Education

United Women in Faith:


Tuesdays @ 12:00 -1:00 pm. Bible study in the Parlor



Youth Sunday School: 10:45

                           (during 10:30 worship service)

  • The earliest of church experiences, the nursery is staffed by a well-known member for the early childhood education community.  Her expertise & love of children provides a wonderful introduction to God's love.  Staff: Suzie Koch                                     

  • From preschool -8th grade, each classroom focuses on exposing our young people to what it means to be a Christian and living a life as a childe of God.                               

  • Children's Choir for ages K-3rd :  TBA


Pastoral Support

Andbe Home visits and services: (Ministerial Alliance)



Norton Telegram Sermon by Pastor Darlene: 


Hospital Pastoral Care:  (Ministerial Alliance) 



Please call Pastor Darlene at the church office

 785-877-2196   or her cell:  785-871-        if you are in need of Pastoral Care or conference.


Prayer Chain Requests:  call David or Virginia Will  877-2341


Acolyte Installation:  Oct. 27, 2019

   Norton Acolyte Team:

Cooper Bailey, Payton Bailey, Hallie Brooks, Braylyn Brooks, Aubrey DuBois, Katelyn Jones, Dylan Jones, Kassidy McClain, Brogan McClain.


When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world.  Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.  John 8:12

Be Inspired

Children's Sermon each Sunday      during 10:30 service



Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of god belongs to such as these. Luke 18:16




Pretzel Sunday         March 1, 2020 

Pretzels for Lent:  Early Christians prayed by crossing their arms & touching each shoulder. They also fasted strictly during lent making their bread with only flour, water & salt.  A monk shaped this in the form of praying arms for children, and the PRETZEL was born!

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Norton First United Methodist Church

Write Us


 805 W. Wilberforce

 Norton, KS  67654


 Church Office:   785-877-2196 

 Pastor Darlene's Cell:  785-874-8811




Online Giving:  connect to 

set up acct. & designate your gift

to the Norton First United Methodist Church.







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